8727.Classics of SF Discussion: Isaac Asimov, "The Currents of Space" (1952)
Moderator: John Hertz
Moderator John Hertz will lead discussions of three Classics of Science Fiction panels at Loscon 50, one discussion each. Come to as many as you like. You'll be welcome to join in.
Our operating definition is "A classic is a work that survives its own time. After the currents which might have sustained it have changed, it remains, and is seen to be worthwhile for itself." If you have a better definition, bring it.
Each of the three is famous in a different way. Each may be more interesting now than when first published. Have you read them? Have you re-read them?
"A merry tangle of interplanetary power politics'' - not bad from The New York Times. The Good Doctor's skill with detective fiction also shows. So far Trantor only has a sphere of influence. There's a reason for interplanetary- interstellar- trade. And Space has currents. John Hertz FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Draco's Tavern - Catalina B