Program Schedule is currently operating in support of Loscon 50.

La Jolla A

Scheduled as of 0000-00-00 00:00:00

FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8765. Science Fiction Radio Plays
Moderator: Steve Lee

Join our panel discussion on what is arguably an under-appreciated form for science-fiction?. RADIO! Our guests will discuss their favorite examples, how the format is evolving into streaming audio online? and future productions we hope to hear in the future!
Shawn Crosby, Steve Lee, Yvonne Penney, Lloyd Penney, David Raiklen

FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8706. Frank Kelly Freas and the Start of the Illustrators of the Future Contest
Moderator: Joni Labaqui

Join us for an engaging panel celebrating the legendary Frank Kelly Freas, a pioneer in science fiction and fantasy art. Discover how his visionary work and passion for nurturing new talent led to the creation of the Illustrators of the Future contest.
Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, Chris Butler, Joni Labaqui, Julia Ree

FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8647. Alien Cultures: Creating the Other
Moderator: Kory Vance

"What do we love so much about aliens? Is it the wonder that somebody might completely removed from our context, introducing us to new, unthinkable possibilities? Or do we seek more relatable qualities, delighting in camaraderie among the cosmos? This panel explores these questions to offer insight on constructing fictional worlds where aliens are key players.
Lauren Cipollo, Larry Niven, Jane Shevtsov, Kory Vance

FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
8766. Science Fiction World-Building: Blending Fact with Fiction
Moderator: Jim Doty

Where does whimsy meet reality? Our panelists discuss the crossroads of real-world considerations and imagined technology. When can you discard the laws of physics with impunity and when do you need to "face facts?
Matt Conant, Lynx Crowe, J.L. Doty, Robert Rankin, Steven L. Sears

FRI 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
8752. Not Lazarus Long? Things You Need to do Before Dying
Moderator: Heide Nichols

A sober examination of what needs to be done so that your surviving loved ones and friends will not have to deal with a fate worse than (your) death.
Brian Buhl, Colleen Crosby, Eytan Kollin, Heide Nichols, Joyce Sperling, Jerome Scott

La Jolla A

SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am
8738. Lost Legends: SF/F Authors Awaiting Rediscovery
Moderator: Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

We all know who Robert A. Heinlein, Ursula K. LeGuin, and Isaac Asimov were. The well-read among us will know of the works of Fredric Brown, L. Sprague de Camp, C. L. Moore, Fritz Leiber, Leigh Brackett, and many others. Our panel will consider whether there are some "hidden gems" whose writings are well worth seeking out.
Bradford Lyau, Derek McCaw, Robert (Bob) Nelson, Matthew B. Tepper, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
8841. World-Building Workshop: Crafting Immersive Universes
Moderator: Larry Rosenthal

Come learn how to create worlds that capture your audience and give your characters a place to play.
Bruce Davis, Noah Lemelson, Robert Rankin, Larry Rosenthal, David Raiklen

SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8825. Trek Talk: Paramount Buyout, Streaming Trends, and the Future of Star Trek
Moderator: Larry Nemecek

Join your fellow Trek fans for a discussion of what's new with the iconic franchise.
Derek McCaw, Larry Nemecek, Lloyd Penney, Marc Zicree, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, David Raiklen

SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8726. New Translations of European Science Fiction
Moderator: Jaroslav Olsa, Jr.

Four new titles of Czech science fiction is now available to US readership. The panelists will discuss the novel "The Martians" by 1920s lady writer Emilie Proch?zkov? (published by Space Cowboy Books, translated by Carleton Bulkin), brand new graphic novel based on Karel ?apek?s classic "R. U. R." (translated by Julie Nov?kov?, published by Rosarium Publishing), early queer pre WWII fantastic novel "Manfred Macmillan: Book One of the Three Magicians Trilogy" by Ji?? Kar?sek (translated by Carleton Bulin, published by Amherst College Press), and anthology of the best 1980s Czech science fiction "Bradbury?s Shadow" co-edited by Jaroslav Ol?a, Jr. (various translators, published by Nov? vlna and Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles).
Jaroslav Ol?a Jr., Jean-Paul Garnier, Carleton Bulkin

SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8838. Working with Editors: Building a Productive Relationship
Moderator: Glen Olson

How do you share the creative process with an editor? How do you pick the one who works best with you and build and maintain a positive and non-adversarial relationship?
David Boop, Jean-Paul Garnier, Cheryl Murphy Lowrance, Glen Olson, Jan S. Utstein, Bob Miller

SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
8755. Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch: Capturing Attention in 60 Seconds
Moderator: David Boop

Someone asks what your work is about and you've got the length of that elevator ride to tell them and make them interested in more. What do you say? What to you leave out to keep it brief? What's the best technique for grabbing their attention as fast as you can?
Steven Barnes, David Boop, Cheryl Murphy Lowrance, William O'Neill, Steven L. Sears

SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
8773. Sexy Ships: The Future of Transportation
Moderator: Stacy Meyn

Public transit? Private? What will it all look like as we head into an age of new technology and inspiration?
Brandon Case, Eytan Kollin, Stacy Meyn, Robert (Bob) Nelson

La Jolla A

SUN 10:00 am - 11:15 am
8775. Social Conventions in Heinlein: Families, Finances and Systems of Government
Moderator: Glen Olson

Were you inspired by the multi-generational Line Marriage from MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS, warmed by the Nest in STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND, fascinated by the group marriage and other relationship possibilities presented in Time Enough for Love through To Sail Beyond the Sunset?
Terry Brussel-Rogers, Glen Olson, Ben Wallin, Martin Young

SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
8816. The Red Planet from Burroughs to Andy Weir: Mars in Science Fiction Over the Years
Moderator: Bruce Davis

Mars figures largely in science-fiction. Come hear our panelists discuss various representations and the stories we have assigned to our red neighbor.
DJ Byrne, Bruce Davis, Jerome Scott, Matthew B. Tepper

SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8708. Genre Poetry: The New Frontier of Verse
Moderator: Wendy Van Camp

Discover the exciting world of genre poetry, where science fiction, fantasy, and horror meet the art of verse.
Denise Dumars, Michael Todd Gallowglas, Jean-Paul Garnier, L. K. Indigo, Wendy Van Camp, Kory Vance

SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8833. What Does Science Fiction Tell Us About the Geopolitics of Space Settlement?
Moderator: Tad Daley

Once human beings do start making permanent settlements off the surface of Planet Earth -- perhaps on the moon, perhaps on other celestial bodies, perhaps aboard self-sustaining space stations -- the political and social relationships with other human beings could go in any number of directions. Will these settlements have their own laws and constitutions and wholly govern themselves? Will they be subject to the laws and governance of nations back on Earth? If so, which nations? How about the present United Nations? How about a hypothetical future Federal Republic of Earth? What if some of the settlements start engaging in acts of aggression against other settlements, or even against Earth? And what does the long legacy of science fiction tell us about how these eventualities could or should unfold?
Krys Blackwood, Tad Daley, Bino Gopal, Jane Shevtsov, Gerald Nordley

SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8824. Time Travel: The Do's, the Don'ts, and the Dear God Whys
Moderator: Glen Olson

Current theories hold out the possibility that time travel may be possible. We discuss current thinking...and talk about why this might be a good idea, or a bad one.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Glen Olson, Steven L. Sears, Chris Weber, Mark L. Williams