loscon.shotbyabear.com is currently operating in support of Loscon 50.
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8843. Writing Short Stories: Maximizing Impact in Minimal Space
Moderator: Charles Lee Jackson, II
How do you get the best bang for your literary buck? Come listen to our panel of authors discuss how to generate a big story in a small format.
David Boop, John DeChancie, Michael Todd Gallowglas, Charles Lee Jackson II, Yvette d'Entremont
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8839. Working With Your Significant Other: Writing Without Divorce Lawyers
Moderator: Steven L. Sears
It is often said that creative partnerships are closer than marriages. This is a panel about the stress and joys of writing with a partner, keeping it real, enjoyable, and productive without threat of pride and ego. Specifically focused on those who work within their relationships, but also relevant to any collaboration. Steven L. Sears and Jessica Brawner are a married couple and work together on projects as well as editing each other's work.
Jessica Brawner, Lauren Cipollo, Matt Conant, William O'Neill, Steven L. Sears, Jan S. Utstein
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8675. ChatGPT or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI-or should I...?
Moderator: Bino Gopal
Come to a talk about Generative AI for beginners to dispel myths and talk about how it really works and what things you can benefit from with GenAI-and what things to watch out for from someone who works in the tech industry in the space and deals with it every day.
Bino Gopal, Ashish Mahabal, Alfred Nash, Robert Rankin, Martin Young
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
8754. Opening Ceremonies
Join us for the Opening Ceremonies. Moderator: Shawn Crosby.
Shawn Crosby, Julia Ree, Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, Craig Miller, Genny Dazzo, Larry Niven, Kathy Mar, Susan Fox, Eylat Poliner, Debra Levin
FRI 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
8776. Soft World Building in Speculative Poetry
Moderator: Kory Vance
Poetry elevates us from animal to person, from electric currents to connected souls, from unbridled meat and instinct to...er, well, there's no getting out of that last one. Speculative poetry lets the reader escape as in fiction while connecting with themselves. Soft-world building inside poetry immerses readers without overcrowding. This panel can discuss the art of revealing just-enough of a new world for poetry to shine.
Michael Todd Gallowglas, Robert (Bob) Nelson, Wendy Van Camp, Kory Vance, Denise Dumars
SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
8644. About Small Presses: If everyone says you can do it yourself, why get a publisher?
Moderator: Bob Nelson
If everyone says you can do it yourself, why get a publisher? The internet would have you believe that you do not need a publisher to publish your book, and maybe you don't. Let's talk about all the reasons you should.
Barbra Dillon, Jean-Paul Garnier, Robert (Bob) Nelson, Jan S. Utstein
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8682. Cross-Platform Projects: Adapting from Books to Film to Games and Back Again
Moderator: Matt Conant
Translating your story across medium can be tricky, which is why so many book-to-film adaptations feel poorly conceived. But when done well, you get Lord of the Rings, The Expanse, Fallout, or countless others. Join us to discuss the differences in writing for different media, how to adapt one to the next, even which one is best for your specific project. Or learn how to craft a universe that spans the worlds of cinema, publishing, and interactive media.
Lauren Cipollo, Matt Conant, Jenni Powell, Arthur Sellers, Joelle Sellner, Anne Toole
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8743. Marketing and the Art of Self Publishing
Moderator: Jessica Brawner
You finally finished writing that book, but you're intimidated by the idea of finding an agent and a publisher. You explore self-publishing only to find out that you need to do all of your own formatting, marketing, promotion, and absolutely everything else. It's a lot of work! No matter which way you go, it seems impossible but? people do it. How do they come up with a plan? What platforms do they use? What are the tips and tricks? Can AI help? How can you make the impossible of marketing and self-publishing manageable and, in fact, enjoyable? Come find out!
Jessica Brawner, Barbra Dillon, Nicholas Doan, Brandie June, Russell Nohelty
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8751. Niven's Influence on Modern Science Fiction
Moderator: Gerald Nordley
Our honored guest has done more than just write his own books, he has shaped the works that came after his. Join us for a discussion of the impact Larry Niven has had on the genre.
Steven Barnes, Eytan Kollin, Gerald Nordley, Michelle Pincus, Dr. Harry Kloor
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
8712. GoH Q&A - Larry Niven
Moderator: M. Todd Gallowglas
A legendary author in the realm of hard science fiction, Larry Niven is best known for his award-winning novel "Ringworld" and his collaborations with Jerry Pournelle, including "The Mote in God's Eye" and "Lucifer's Hammer." His work has shaped the genre and continues to influence new generations of writers.
Michael Todd Gallowglas, Larry Niven
SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
8837. Wilhelm Scream Documentary - Hollywood Sound Museum
Moderator: Steve Lee
Join Steve Lee of the Hollywood Sound Museum for a very special update on the Museum, including a chat about sound and music in your favorite science fiction and horror movies? AND a sneak peek at a clip from the documentary about one of the most notorious sound effects - "The Wilhelm Scream." The documentary's director, Anna Quinlan, will join the panel via Zoom.
Steve Lee, David Raiklen, Adrianne Grady, Larry Nemecek, Anna Quinlan
SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
8789. Surviving Neurodiversity in a Normative World Without Losing Your Spiciness
Moderator: Susie Searight
An estimated 20% of the population is Neurodivergent with numbers growing annually. Our culture is rapidly realizing that our most educated and intellectually gifted peoples are neuroatypical. It's time to remove the stigma and embrace our Badassery.
Jason Crawford, Michael Todd Gallowglas, Jules Rivera, Susie Searight
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8671. Building Empathy for Your Characters
Moderator: James Glass
Your characters are written and they're following your plot. How do you make readers care about them?
Timothy G Cassidy-Curtis, Lauren Cipollo, Matt Conant, James Glass, Steven L. Sears
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8748. Star Wars and More Movie Memories
Solo Panel: Craig Miller
Craig Miller, whose Hollywood career dates back to working on the original Star Wars, tells more Star Wars tales as well as stories about marketing genre films of the 1980s like Superman II, The Thing, Krull, The Dark Crystal, The Last Starfighter, The Black Cauldron, and more, as well as writing animation ranging from Curious George and The Smurfs to The Real Ghostbusters to G.I. Joe and Beast Wars.
Craig Miller
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8807. The Greatest Writing Advice I've Ever Received
Moderator: Brian Buhl
Writers will take turns discussing the greatest writing advice they've ever received. Some audience participation will be encouraged. If at the end, we've exhausted all of the good advice, we're almost certain to dive into some of the worst advice we've received, too.
Brian Buhl, Vanessa MacLaren-Wray, Jules Rivera, Yvette d'Entremont