Program Schedule is currently operating in support of Loscon 50.

Los Angeles B

Scheduled as of 0000-00-00 00:00:00

FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8746. In Loving Memory: A Celebration of Friends Lost Including "Fuzzy Pink" Niven
Moderator: Genny Dazzo

Those we've lost:
Tony Benoun

Marty Cantor [4/23]
Jenn Cole
Jim Davis
Tom Digby
Bill Ellern [11/23]
Rilla Heslin
Misty Johnstone
Karl Lembke [5/22]
Mark Merlino
Marilyn "Fuzzy Pink" Niven
Marcy Robin
Tony N. Todaro
John Trimble
J.P. Van Gordon
Howard Waldrop
Frank Waller
Genny Dazzo, Craig Miller, Larry Niven, Sherri Benoun

FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8760. Reboot, Remake, Regurgitate: Why Hollywood Is Stuck in Groundhog Day
Moderator: Bob Nelson

Are there no more original stories to bring to the screen? Endless re-dos, rehashes, and sequels (one recent sequel follows its original by thirty-six years!) seem to say that the entertainment industry is short on original ideas. Is this really the case? And if it is, is there anything that can be done about it, or will the box office continue to validate such endless re-visitations?
Stacy Meyn, Robert (Bob) Nelson, Jenni Powell, Mark L. Williams, Peter Olsen

FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8709. GoH Q&A - Craig Miller
Moderator: David Raiklen

A prolific writer and producer, Craig Miller has over 200 film and television credits to his name. Known for his work on "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" and "Curious George," Craig's contributions to both live-action and animated projects have left a lasting impact on the industry.
Craig Miller, David Raiklen

FRI 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
8767. Screening of "Surge of Power: Where There's Smoke" & Panel
Moderator: Vincent Roth

See an exclusive screening of the new movie, "Surge of Power: Where There's Smoke," - the latest installment of the Surge of Power indie superhero movie franchise known for having lots of celebrities from the sci-fi and superhero genres. Where There's Smoke follows Surge as he teams up with The Smoke (former pro wrestler Eric Moran) to form a superhero team to fight a mysterious evil group called The Council, and features guest stars Nichelle Nichols (Uhura from "Star Trek"), Robert Picardo (The Doctor from "Star Trek: Voyager"), Tim Russ (Tuvok from "Star Trek: Voyager"), Sam J. Jones (Flash Gordon from the 1980 "Flash Gordon" movie), Joseph Culp (Doctor Doom from the 1994 "Fantastic Four" movie), John Davey (Captain Marvel from the "SHAZAM!" TV show), Michael Gray (Billy Batson from the "SHAZAM!" TV show), Shannon Farnon (Wonder Woman from the "Super Friends!") and Bruce Vilanch (comedian/award show writer). Join us for this special occasion celebrating with a post-humous performance by the late Nichelle Nichols.
Vincent Roth, Jamie Knight Mason, Michael Mason, Jordan Michael

FRI 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
8642. A Shot Rang Out
Moderator: Martin Young

Improvised storytelling under pressure of time and madness. See us invent stories and characters too bizarre for fiction just so we can set up random lines the audience picked for us.
Martin Young, SP Hendrick, Glen Olson, Genny Dazzo, Yvette d'Entremont

Los Angeles B

SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am
8730. John Trimble Tribute Panel
Moderator: Lora Boehm

John Trimble was an active science fiction fan for over 60 years, having worked on several science fiction convention committees, co-chairing with his wife Bjo their own media and Star Trek convention, MC'ing many awards ceremonies such as the Hugo Awards, and co-founding the SDCC art show. John passed away in April. Please join John's family and friends in remembering and celebrating his life.
Lora Boehm, Bjo Trimble

SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
8842. Writing for Tabletop Role Playing Games
Moderator: Lauren Cipollo

Creating a project for an interactive or collaborative engagement is very different from writing a novel or screenplay. What's the difference between writing for board games versus role-playing games? How do you know when a game is "done"? How do you write when you don't have full control of your narrative? What's important to keep and what can you let go?
Lauren Cipollo, Matt Conant, Jenni Powell, Anne Toole, Erin Hunt Rado

SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8835. How We Develop Our Ideas: From Concept to Creation
Moderator: David Sandner

Seasoned writers share their unique processes for transforming initial ideas into fully realized works.
J.L. Doty, Michael Todd Gallowglas, Charles Lee Jackson II, David Sandner, Dr. Harry Kloor

SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8784. Star Wars Movie Memories
Solo Panel: Craig Miller

Craig Miller, Lucasfilm's original Director of Fan Relations, gives a slide show on the early days of Lucasfilm and marketing Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back to fandom and the rest of the world. Including stories about 20th Century Fox's market research on making Star Wars, George Lucas's original explanation for the Millennium Falcon's 12 parsec Kesel Run, picking Leigh Brackett to write The Empire Strikes Back, the wrap party Carrie Fisher threw, UnderwearThat's Fun To Wear, taking Droids to Sesame Street, and more.
Craig Miller

SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
8714. Graphic Novels Aren't Just For Superheroes!
Moderator: Nicholas Doan

Sure, we all know about Watchmen, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and Ghost in the Shell. But what about V for Vendetta, Maus, Persepolis, and Barefoot Gen, some of which only touch on the fantastic in their content and approach. What's going on in graphic novels today?
Barbra Dillon, Nicholas Doan, L. K. Indigo, Russell Nohelty, William O'Neill, Joelle Sellner

SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
8826. Trek vs Wars: A Study in Opposites?
Moderator: Ben Wallin

Are Star Wars and Star Trek alike or are they on opposite ends of a spectrum? What makes us fans of two franchises that are so different, or what makes us pick one over the other?
Genny Dazzo, Larry Nemecek, Mark Poliner, Vincent Roth, Ben Wallin, Marc Zicree

SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
8641. A new 2D Animated Short Film, "Matty Cat." Meet and Greet and Q&A
Moderator: Cisco Fernandez

Meet the creator and producers of this award-winning film and sequel-introduction and Q&A to follow after the screenings of both films.
Natalie Rodriguez, Alexandra Almendarez, Peter Olsen, Cisco Fernandez

Los Angeles B

SUN 10:00 am - 11:15 am
8830. Was the Book Better?
Moderator: Derek McCaw

From Frankenstein to Who Censored Roger Rabbit, a discussion of speculative fiction with plots that Hollywood warped into something very different. What did the movie do better, and what do we wish more people understood about the source material?
Jason Crawford, Derek McCaw, Joyce Sperling

SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
8683. Cutting-Edge Creativity: Leveraging Current Tech for Sci-Fi & Fantasy Films
Moderator: Bob Nelson

What will current tech do in the future and how can we use it as a jumping off point for science fiction?
Tom Funk, Stacy Meyn, Robert (Bob) Nelson, Nicholas Tana, David Ian Salter ACE

SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
8786. Stephen King's On Writing, 20 Years Later
Moderator: Brian Buhl

Stephen King is a living legend, and his book On Writing has been influential for an entire generation of writers. In this panel, we will look at some of King's writing advice that has withstood the test of time, some that has not aged quite as well, and we may touch on other books on writing that supplement or supplant On Writing.
Steven Barnes, Brian Buhl, Brandon Case, Nicholas Tana, Natalie Rodriguez

SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
8779. Special Effects and CGI: Bringing Sci-Fi Visions to Life
Moderator: Lynx Crowe

Special Effects have burgeoned in the past decades. What are the practical uses of the tools that make on screen magic?
Chris Butler, Lynx Crowe, Tom Funk, Mark L. Williams