loscon.shotbyabear.com is currently operating in support of Loscon 50.
8745. Mead: From the Babylonians to Harry Potter
Moderator: Mark Poliner
Brewmaster Mark Poliner once again shares his expertise by showing you how to get the sweet and potent results that fans and friends love so much.
Mark Poliner
FRI 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, Marina
8826. Trek vs Wars: A Study in Opposites?
Moderator: Ben Wallin
Are Star Wars and Star Trek alike or are they on opposite ends of a spectrum? What makes us fans of two franchises that are so different, or what makes us pick one over the other?
Genny Dazzo, Larry Nemecek, Mark Poliner, Vincent Roth, Ben Wallin, Marc Zicree
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Los Angeles B
8812. The History and Culture of Beer
Moderator: Mark Poliner
Learn the Different Styles and Types of Beers, its place in history, and become an expert taster.
Mark Poliner
SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, Marina