Program Schedule is currently operating in support of Loscon 50.

for: Max Cervantes

Scheduled as of 0000-00-00 00:00:00

8723. How to build your own full-size R2 -D2!
Join the R2 Builders Club as they present the materials, methods, tools, time and costs related to building a full-scale R2-D2. When you saw R2 extend an arm or device on screen, that was often a specially built unit with off-camera stagehand operating it. These days, modern technology allows our droids to do what the movie-versions could not! And what the heck do you do with an R2 when you're done? Many attend children's hospitals and hit the "charity circuit". Some build their R2 as a living room media center and are never heard from again! Your build, your way. We welcome all who love R2! (And dont forget the Mice, Scrubbers, BB's and others, too!)

Tom Piedmont, R2 Builders Club Members, Max Cervantes, Eric Kaufman, Tim Knapp
SAT 2:00 pm - 2:55 pm, Makers Room - Century A & B

8757. R2 Builders Interview original R2 operator, Craig Miller
Moderator: Tom Piedmont

In 1978 if you saw R2-D2 in a TV commercial, on Sesame Street, The Muppet Show or any other local appearances, Craig Miller was at the controls. As the first-appointed head of Lucasfilm's newly established Fan Relations Division, Craig and an assistant flew across the world to show off R2-D2 under all sorts of scenarios. Hear from the guy who did it as interviewed by members of the R2 Builders Club who nearly 50yrs later are themselves spread across the world doing the same thing -but for charity instead!
Tom Piedmont, Craig Miller, Max Cervantes
SAT 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm, Makers Room - Century A & B

8672. Building Props for Star Trek
Moderator: Max Cervantes

Join veteran Hollywood prop and prosthethics artist Max Cervantes as he shows a few of his Star Trek: The Next Generation creations and discusses his work on TNG, The Undiscovered Country film, and decades of film, TV and commercial productions building props, models and makeup FX.
Max Cervantes
SUN 2:00 pm - 2:55 pm, Makers Room - Century A & B