Program Schedule is currently operating in support of Loscon 48.

for: Charles Lee Jackson II

Scheduled as of 2022-11-16 00:45:56

5745. How to Write Memorable Characters
The title says it all. Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Glen W. Olson, James C. Glass, John DeChancie
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 2

for: Charles Lee Jackson II

5792. Autograph Session 1
Charles Lee Jackson II, Glen W. Olson, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers
SAT 11:30 am - 12:00 pm, Imperial A-B

5802. Playing God: Writing Fictional Universes
Worldbuilding: how to be the Clockmaker. Moderated by S.P. Hendrick.
Barbara Hambly, Charles Lee Jackson II, Jessica A. Brawner, John DeChancie, S. P. Hendrick
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 2

5811. World building: How to Build a Believable World
This panel discussion will focus on the distinctive feature of genre literature: world-building. Wikipedia defines world-building as 'the process of constructing an imaginary world'. Come listen as sci-fi and fantasy creators discuss how they approach this all-important task. Moderated by Charles Lee Jackson, II.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Larry Niven, Todd J. McCaffrey, Larry Rosenthal
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 2

5831. Finding Your Own Voice in Writing
Writing is difficult, and it is even more difficult to be original. How do you find your own voice and make it entertaining?! Find out how in this panel. Moderated by Matthew Arnold Stern.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Wendy Van_Camp, Steven Barnes, Robert Mitchell Evans, Elizabeth Crowens, Matthew Arnold Stern
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, California 1

for: Charles Lee Jackson II

5861. SF Films by Quarters: 1922, 1647, 1972, 1997, and 2022
Comparing and contrasting the films of 1922,1947,1972,1997, and today. Moderated by Charles Lee Jackson, II.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Tom Khamis, Larry Rosenthal
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5875. The Eric Hoffman Memorial
Eric Hoffman has been a member of LASFS for well over half a century. As a teenager he wrote for the original monster movie magazine: FAMOUS MONSTER OF FILMLAND. First, he wrote under the pseudonyms THE ANSWER MAN and later, PROFESSOR GRUEBEARD. In early 1982, Eric started travelling all across the country giving lectures at DOCTOR WHO and various other conventions along with singing and playing piano with celebrities at convention cabarets. Please join us in reminiscing and telling fun stories of the kind man who was Eric Hoffman.
Tom Khamis, Charles Lee Jackson II, Rick Ridgeway, Craig Miller, Beverly Warren
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4