Program Schedule is currently operating in support of Loscon 48.

for: Wendy Van_Camp

Scheduled as of 2022-11-23 19:46:11

5738. Holding a Modern lens to our Myths and Legends
Take a look through the magnifying glass at myths of past and present. Moderated by S.P. Hendrick.
Denise Dumars, Lee Gold, S. P. Hendrick, Wendy Van_Camp, Erin Rado
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

5749. Imaginative Verse: A Reading of Speculative Poets
Speculative poetry has been gaining in popularity at science fiction literary conventions across the United States and the world. It does not describe our contemporary life as literary poetry does, but speaks of other worlds, times, and tropes similar to speculative fiction authors. This poetry can be in any form or free verse that literary poetry comes in. The difference is its content is speculative. Please join Poet Laureate Wendy Van Camp and local speculative poets to hear their imaginative verse. Moderated by Wendy Van Camp.
Wendy Van_Camp, Jean-Paul L. Garnier, Denise Dumars, Neil Citrin, , Nancy Taylor
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Marquis 3

5756. Anne McCaffrey: Multi-Genre Universes
Past, present and future. Sci-fi and fantasy. How to build a cohesive universe. Moderated by Wendy Van Camp.
Genny Dazzo, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers, Todd J. McCaffrey, Wendy Van_Camp
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

for: Wendy Van_Camp

5780. What Does Success in Writing Look Like?
Join our writers as they define success. Moderated by Wendy Van Camp.
Steven L. Sears, Todd J. McCaffrey, Wendy Van_Camp, David Avallone, Elizabeth Crowens
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, California 1

5801. Goal Setting for Writers
How to create goals for yourself and stick to them. Moderated by Matthew Arnold Stern.
Denise Dumars, Wendy Van_Camp, David Avallone, Anne Toole, Matthew Arnold Stern
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 1

5831. Finding Your Own Voice in Writing
Writing is difficult, and it is even more difficult to be original. How do you find your own voice and make it entertaining?! Find out how in this panel. Moderated by Matthew Arnold Stern.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Wendy Van_Camp, Steven Barnes, Robert Mitchell Evans, Elizabeth Crowens, Matthew Arnold Stern
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, California 1

for: Wendy Van_Camp

5857. 19th Century Science Fiction
From Poe and Shelly through Verne, Swift, and Hale to early Wells and Burroughs, where did it take us? Have we dismissed some of this too casually without careful thought? Is there any trope of the 20th century that was not started in the 19th or earlier? Moderated by Bradford Lyau.
Bradford Lyau, G. David Nordley, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Wendy Van_Camp
SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5874. Grokking Heinlein
What were the constants of Heinlein's writing? Where did he challenge things that even he might have believed in, because he thought everything needed to be challenged? A free mind is seldom politically correct. And if one doesn't want characters to be stereotypical shouldn't we allow a writer characters who are idiosyncratic and not a typical woman, boy, black, Phlilpino, or Martian? Moderated by Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers.
Bradford Lyau, G. David Nordley, Glen W. Olson, Wendy Van_Camp, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5881. The Art of Poetry
Poetry is one of our most concise and deepest forms of communication. Find out all about the art of poetry at this panel! Moderated by Denise Dumars.
Denise Dumars, S. P. Hendrick, Wendy Van_Camp, L. K. Ingino, Jean-Paul L. Garnier
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Los Angeles 1