loscon.shotbyabear.com is currently operating in support of Loscon 48.
5730. Technology in Cinema
Join us for a look at the rapidly changing world of moviemaking from a technology point of view. Moderated by Victor Frost.
Gene Turnbow, Victor Frost, Tom Piedmont, David Ian Salter
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4
5746. SciFi.Radio with GoH's Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow
From the beginning, the SCIFI.radio station motto has been "we all rise together". I think that's something worth fighting to keep. Around here, we try to inspire that creative spark and help it along its way. Join us for a conversation on how we at SCIFI.RADIO share our love of all things geeky with the world. Moderated by Erin Rado.
Susan Fox, Gene Turnbow, Erin Rado
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 3
5757. Opening Ceremonies
Join us for the Opening Ceremonies. Moderated by Nick Smith.
Nick Smith, Michelle Pincus, Dave Kellett, Tanya Huff, Alexander James Adams, Susan Fox, Gene Turnbow
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Marquis 3
5818. Multimedia science fiction and fantasy
Everything you ever want to know about mixed media. Moderated by David Raiklen.
Gene Turnbow, Larry Rosenthal, Tom Piedmont, Scott A. Woodard, Anne Toole
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2
5834. Got Filk? The Hidden Musical Side of Science Fiction
What exactly is filk? Find out everything you ever wanted to know about this musical side of science fiction. Moderated by Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers.
Alexander James Adams, Gene Turnbow, Lee Gold, Susan Fox, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Los Angeles 1
5868. Filk: GOH Gene Turnbow's instrumental Jam
GOH Gene Turnbow's Instrumental Jam.
Gene Turnbow
SUN 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Los Angeles 4
5883. Closing Ceremonies
Moderated by Nick Smith.
Nick Smith, Michelle Pincus, Dave Kellett, Tanya Huff, Alexander James Adams, Susan Fox, Gene Turnbow
SUN 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Marquis 3