loscon.shotbyabear.com is currently operating in support of Loscon 48.
5739. Fringe Science, Pseudoscience, and Junk Science
Not all ideas are created equal. Discover the dangers of not citing your sources. Moderated by Varoujan Gorjian PhD.
Ashish Mahabal, Daryl George Frazetti, J. L. Doty, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Gregory Benford
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3
5758. Will Human Beings Go Extinct?
What could cost human beings (or their descendants) to cease to exist? Isn't getting everyone actually a pretty high bar? No breeding humans left in spite of genetic engineering etc? Even pandemics only get a percentage. And in a few years, even single planet-destroying collisions won't be enough? But could evil robots do it? Moderated by G. David Nordley.
G. David Nordley, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Ashish Mahabal, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Tad Daley
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3
5799. What's new in Science?
What new ideas in science have had the biggest impact on the world today? Moderated by Tim Griffin.
Ashish Mahabal, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Tim Griffin, Gregory Benford
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3
5819. What makes us human?
What defines us? And how is this idea explore in science fiction? Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Ashish Mahabal, Glen W. Olson, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, John Paterson
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3
5867. Are we alone in the universe?
The question of whether or not life exists elsewhere in the universe is one that has fascinated people for decades. Find out more in this panel. Moderated by Arlene Busby.
Arlene Busby, Chris Butler, David Brin, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Ashish Mahabal
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3