Program Schedule is currently operating in support of Loscon 50.

Scheduled as of 0000-00-00 00:00:00

8746. In Loving Memory: A Celebration of Friends Lost Including "Fuzzy Pink" Niven
Moderator: Genny Dazzo

Those we've lost:
Tony Benoun

Marty Cantor [4/23]
Jenn Cole
Jim Davis
Tom Digby
Bill Ellern [11/23]
Rilla Heslin
Misty Johnstone
Karl Lembke [5/22]
Mark Merlino
Marilyn "Fuzzy Pink" Niven
Marcy Robin
Tony N. Todaro
John Trimble
J.P. Van Gordon
Howard Waldrop
Frank Waller
Genny Dazzo, Craig Miller, Larry Niven, Sherri Benoun
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Los Angeles B