Program Schedule is currently operating in support of Loscon 48.

Scheduled as of 2022-11-24 05:51:32

5718. Vocal Warm Ups & Theater Games
Vocal Warm Ups & Theater Games.
FRI 12:00 pm - 12:55 pm, Los Angeles 4

5720. Table Top Gaming

Hours 10 AM - Midnight
10 AM
Ticket to Ride Poland
12 Noon
Dr. Who fluxx
Terraforming Mars
Power Grid
Space Base

FRI 12:00 pm - 12:00 am, Marquis 4

5719. Electronic Gaming
FRI 12:00 pm - 12:00 am, Marquis 5

5721. A Trip to the Moon (1902)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
FRI 12:00 pm - 12:15 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5722. Le Voyage Dans La Lune (1998)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
FRI 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5726. Says Who? Writing Memorable Dialogue
Writers know it's easy to fall into the trap of "he said" - "she said" - "it said" - "zeep said" in their dialogue. Like any kind of writing, dialogue can be plain, fancy, or just weird. The trick is to fit the type of dialogue to the furtherance and readability of the story. Our panelists will share their ideas on how to keep the talk-talk going so that it doesn't slow things down. Moderated by James C. Glass.
Craig Miller, Deborah Daughetee, James C. Glass, Joelle Sellner, Karen Willson
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 1

5727. Writer Spotlight: Tanya Huff
Join our fabulous Guest of Honor Tanya Huff for a conversation about her work. Tanya Sue Huff is a Canadian fantasy author. Her stories have been published since the late 1980s, including five fantasy series and one science fiction series. One of these, her Blood Books series, featuring detective Vicki Nelson, was adapted for television under the title Blood Ties. Moderated by Nick Smith.
Tanya Huff, Nick Smith
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 3

5728. Costume Construction
Moderated by Rebeeca Inch-Partridge.
Rebecca Inch-Partridge, Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, Susan Fox, Carole Parker
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Los Angeles 1

5725. Hollywood Sound Museum Exhibit
The Hollywood Sound Museum is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to sharing and preserving the history of entertainment audio. We present a unique auditory adventure - a multi-channel sound presentation featuring classic motion picture sound effects from well-known films and television shows. You will hear iconic sounds from "King Kong" (1933), "War of the Worlds" (1953), "Forbidden Planet" (1956), "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) "Star Wars" (1977), "Gremlins" (1984), "Contact" (1997), and many more. Several display panels around the room share just a few of the inside stories of how the artists behind the sounds created them.

The presentation will run continuously throughout the convention, starting every 20-minutes from the top of each hour. Please feel free to walk through the exhibit - or have a seat and enjoy the entire listening experience.

There will also be information available about the Museum, special guests, and more. Please join us!
FRI 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Los Angeles 3

5724. Filk: Poker Chip Filk Circle
Poker Chip Filk Circle.
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:55 pm, Los Angeles 4

5723. Arthur C. Clarke: Unlocking the "Impossible"
New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can't be done. 2) It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all along! -Arthur C. Clarke. Moderated by John Hertz.
Bradford Lyau, G. David Nordley, John Hertz,
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5729. Space Exploration
Join a panel of aeronautics experts in discussing the current state of space and what's coming next. Moderated by Arlene Busby.
Chris Butler, Melora Larson, Arlene Busby, Alfred Nash, John Paterson
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5730. Technology in Cinema
Join us for a look at the rapidly changing world of moviemaking from a technology point of view. Moderated by Victor Frost.
Gene Turnbow, Victor Frost, Tom Piedmont, David Ian Salter
FRI 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5731. First Men in the Moon (1964)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
FRI 1:30 pm - 3:15 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5735. What Makes for a Strong Character?
How do you make an audience fall in love with your characters? In this panel, we discuss how to create three dimensional characters that your readers will love. Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Glen W. Olson, Matt Conant, Nicholas Doan, Steven Barnes
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 1

5736. Reboots, Reimaginings and Relaunches: Updating for a new audience or easy money?
The popular stories seem to have been around for a very long time. In this panel, we take a look at the positive and negatives of the modern reboot. Moderated by David Raiklen.
Scott A. Woodard, Victor Frost, David Raiklen, Joelle Sellner
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 2

5737. Artist Spotlight: Dave Kellett
Come meet our fabulous Artist Guest of Honor Dave Kellett. Dave Kellett is the creator and cartoonist of two webcomic titles, Sheldon and Drive, and the co-author of How To Make Webcomics. Moderated by Nick Smith.
Dave Kellett, Nick Smith
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 3

5738. Holding a Modern lens to our Myths and Legends
Take a look through the magnifying glass at myths of past and present. Moderated by S.P. Hendrick.
Denise Dumars, Lee Gold, S. P. Hendrick, Wendy Van_Camp, Erin Rado
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

5733. A Writer's Journey Through Science Fiction
Join this presentation on the history of Science Fiction from a writer's point of view.
Mark Rose
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5739. Fringe Science, Pseudoscience, and Junk Science
Not all ideas are created equal. Discover the dangers of not citing your sources. Moderated by Varoujan Gorjian PhD.
Ashish Mahabal, Daryl George Frazetti, J. L. Doty, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Gregory Benford
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5732. Classics of SF Discussion: Charles Harness, The Paradox Men (1953)
Charles Harness, The Paradox Men (1953)

Five crises have fused the Americas together; the Imperator is dead, leaving his widow Imperatrix Juana-Maria Chatham-Perez; there's aristocracy, and a Society of Thieves rigorously trained who steal from the rich to buy freedom for slaves. Dueling. Research stations on the Sun. A star-drive is being tested, based on the square root of -1 and an acceleration of several million gravities. The hero doesn't know who he is.

Moderator John Hertz will lead discussions of three Classics of Science Fiction panels at Loscon XLVIII, one discussion each. Come to as many as you like. You'll be welcome to join in.

Our operating definition is "A classic is a work that survives its own time. After the currents which might have sustained it have changed, it remains, and is seen to be worthwhile for itself." If you have a better definition, bring it.

Each of the three is famous in a different way. Each may be more interesting now than when first published. Have you read them? Have you re-read them?
John Hertz
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5734. Basic Dyeing FAQs
We will cover the information that I wish was available when I first started to explore dyeing in 2002. After a brief overview, I will answer your dyeing questions. Panel by Carole Parker.
Carole Parker
FRI 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5740. Filk: Chaos Filk circle
Chaos Filk Circle.
FRI 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5743. The Future of Writing
Will A.I. replace us all? Come and listen to predictions about where the art and business of writing is headed. Moderated by Rebecca Inch-Partridge.
Rebecca Inch-Partridge, Todd J. McCaffrey, Mark Rose
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 1

5745. How to Write Memorable Characters
The title says it all. Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Glen W. Olson, James C. Glass, John DeChancie
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 2

5746. SciFi.Radio with GoH's Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow
From the beginning, the station motto has been "we all rise together". I think that's something worth fighting to keep. Around here, we try to inspire that creative spark and help it along its way. Join us for a conversation on how we at SCIFI.RADIO share our love of all things geeky with the world. Moderated by Erin Rado.
Susan Fox, Gene Turnbow, Erin Rado
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 3

5747. Illustration Workshop with Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha
Join us for this hands on class where you can learn to draw.
Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Los Angeles 1

5749. Imaginative Verse: A Reading of Speculative Poets
Speculative poetry has been gaining in popularity at science fiction literary conventions across the United States and the world. It does not describe our contemporary life as literary poetry does, but speaks of other worlds, times, and tropes similar to speculative fiction authors. This poetry can be in any form or free verse that literary poetry comes in. The difference is its content is speculative. Please join Poet Laureate Wendy Van Camp and local speculative poets to hear their imaginative verse. Moderated by Wendy Van Camp.
Wendy Van_Camp, Jean-Paul L. Garnier, Denise Dumars, Neil Citrin, , Nancy Taylor
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Marquis 3

5742. Master of the World (1961)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:35 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5748. Building Aliens for Fun and Profit
What are the characteristics of a fun, or scary, and profitable alien in books, video, or other media? Does plausibility help? From the fish-people of Margaret Cavendish's Blazing World to the alien of, well, Alien, what are some significant historical examples? Moderated by G. David Nordley.
Larry Niven, G. David Nordley, Gregory Benford, Tanya Huff, Tom Piedmont
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5750. Apollo Missions
Our panel will discuss the history of this important chapter in human space exploration, up to the Moon landings and Apollo-Soyuz mission. What have we learned? What did we learn that we expected to learn, and what were some surprises? Moderated by Timothy G Cassidy-Curtis.
Arlene Busby, Chris Butler, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Alfred Nash, John Paterson
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5741. Introduction to Virtual Reality
The holodeck is here! Or is it? Find out the current state of Virtual Reality with our experts. Moderated by Kristen Renee Gorlitz.
Larry Rosenthal, Kristen Renee Gorlitz, Paul Sartain
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5744. Sound in Space
If a ship explodes in space... should an audience hear it...? In science fiction films and other media... do you prefer scientific accuracy, or artistic license...? Join our panel of entertainment professionals for a lively discussion for-and-against... the pros-and-cons... of... SOUND... IN... SPAAAAACE!!! Moderated by David Raiklen and Steve Lee.
David Raiklen, Alexander James Adams, Steve Lee, Adrianne Grady, Tim Griffin
FRI 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5751. Filk: How to Write a Filk workshop / Instafilk contest
How to Write a Filk workshop / Instafilk contest.
FRI 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5755. Writing for the Screen
How do you make your script stand out? Moderated by Victor Frost.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Lynn Barker, Victor Frost, Steven Barnes, Chris Weber
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, California 1

5756. Anne McCaffrey: Multi-Genre Universes
Past, present and future. Sci-fi and fantasy. How to build a cohesive universe. Moderated by Wendy Van Camp.
Genny Dazzo, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers, Todd J. McCaffrey, Wendy Van_Camp
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

5757. Opening Ceremonies
Join us for the Opening Ceremonies. Moderated by Nick Smith.
Nick Smith, Michelle Pincus, Dave Kellett, Tanya Huff, Alexander James Adams, Susan Fox, Gene Turnbow
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Marquis 3

5752. Orbital Mechanics of Our Solar System
Or, why don't all the planets crash into each other. Our planets, their moons and the Sun survive in a complex dance that's taken 4 Billion years to orchestrate. We're going to look at some computer simulations, with data taken from NASA's Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility. We'll start with a brief introduction of basic Orbital Mechanics, then get into the fun stuff. This presentation will include active computer simulations of orbital interactions of our planets. No equations needed. Solo Presentation by J.L. Doty.
J. L. Doty
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5758. Will Human Beings Go Extinct?
What could cost human beings (or their descendants) to cease to exist? Isn't getting everyone actually a pretty high bar? No breeding humans left in spite of genetic engineering etc? Even pandemics only get a percentage. And in a few years, even single planet-destroying collisions won't be enough? But could evil robots do it? Moderated by G. David Nordley.
G. David Nordley, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Ashish Mahabal, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Tad Daley
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5754. Selling at Conventions
Learn everything from how to set up your table to how to pitch your product. Learn the best sales techniques from the experts. Moderated by Nicholas Doan.
Deborah Daughetee, Nicholas Doan
FRI 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5753. Dyeing For Renters or Those With Limited Space Situations
You do not have to be a chemist to do dyework. We will review easy-to-use safe (even for kids) products that are readily available for the home dyer and what you can do with them. Items that have been dyed using these products will be available for inspection. Panel by Carole Parker.
Carole Parker
FRI 5:30 pm - 7:15 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5759. Five Weeks in a Balloon (1962)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
FRI 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5760. Filk: GOH Susan Fox Drum Circle and Dancing
GOH Susan Fox Drum Circle and Dancing.
Susan Fox
FRI 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5761. Ice Cream Social
Please join us for the big get-together of the evening, where we can taste new flavors as well as old favorites in a casual atmosphere. This is also the venue for the formal announcements of the Forrest J Ackerman Award for Lifetime Achievement, and the Evans-Freehafer Award for Service to the LASFS.
Nick Smith, Michelle Pincus, Kristine Cherry, Dennis Cherry
FRI 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Marquis 1-2

5765. Capturing Fear: How To Write Great Horror
How do you make the horror real and personal? Find out with our panel of experts. Moderated by Eric J. Guignard. In honor of Eric Hoffman.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Deborah Daughetee, Eric J. Guignard, Scott A. Woodard
FRI 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, California 1

5766. Mead: From the Babylonians to Harry Potter
Brewmaster Mark Poliner once again shares his expertise by showing you how to get the sweet and potent results that fans and friends love so much.
Mark Poliner
FRI 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, Los Angeles 1

5764. Regency Dance
English ballroom dances from about the year 1800. Jane Austen is the great author of this period. Try Georgette Heyer's romance novels (yes!) set then.
John Hertz
FRI 8:00 pm - 12:00 am, Marquis 3

5763. Around the World in 80 Days (1958)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
FRI 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5762. Star Trek - The Trouble With Tribbles Script Read!
Can you do a cold and unsympathetic reading of an old favorite Trek episode? Will it be no tribble at all? Or will you be hauled away as garbage? Come and find out!. Moderated by Susan M.
FRI 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5767. 17th Floor Parties
We have parties all night on the 17th floor! Please, join us!
FRI 9:00 pm - 3:00 am, 17th Floor

5768. Filk: Music GoH Concert: Alexander James Adams
Join our Music Guest of Honor Alexander James Adams for this fantastic concert. Introduced by Nick Smith.
Alexander James Adams, Nick Smith
FRI 9:00 pm - 12:00 am, Los Angeles 4

5769. Filk: Rocky Horror Picture Show Costumed Sing-along
FRI 11:55 pm - 2:00 am, Pacific Coast 1

5770. The Bullwinkle Show: Missouri Mish Mash
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SAT 9:00 am - 11:45 am, Pacific Coast 1

5771. Tai Chi
Steven Barnes
SAT 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Marquis 3

5780. What Does Success in Writing Look Like?
Join our writers as they define success. Moderated by Wendy Van Camp.
Steven L. Sears, Todd J. McCaffrey, Wendy Van_Camp, David Avallone, Elizabeth Crowens
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, California 1

5781. Everything You Need to Know about Editing
Should you edit your own works or is that a terrible idea? Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the editing process. Moderated by Robert Mitchell Evans.
Jessica A. Brawner, Rebecca Inch-Partridge, Robert Mitchell Evans
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, California 2

5782. Has Science Fiction changed the course of relationships in America
America has gone through many social upheavals in the last half century. We are arguably not the same society that we were in the 1960's/70's. In many ways we have become the society that writers like Robert Heinlein, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Spider Robinson and Anne McCaffrey have written about. Besides the massive evolution in technology in the last fifty years, there are now people who live in multiply committed relationships, same sex marriages, triads, open marriages, group houses and other configurations. Many more people have thought about trying different kinds of relationships. The presenters of this panel have studied, written about, and lived many of these alternative lifestyles, and will talk about the changing face of relationships in fandom, and in America. Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Glen W. Olson, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers, Mark Merlino, Rodney O'Riley, Craig Brussel Rogers
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, California 3

5783. The Dark Side of Fantasy
Fear, fun and fantasy: how to combine them all! Moderated by L.K. Ingino.
Brandie June, L. K. Ingino, Eric J. Guignard, Erin Rado
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, Los Angeles 1

5773. Escape Room
SAT 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Los Angeles 2

5774. Hollywood Sound Museum Exhibit
The Hollywood Sound Museum is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to sharing and preserving the history of entertainment audio. We present a unique auditory adventure - a multi-channel sound presentation featuring classic motion picture sound effects from well-known films and television shows. You will hear iconic sounds from "King Kong" (1933), "War of the Worlds" (1953), "Forbidden Planet" (1956), "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) "Star Wars" (1977), "Gremlins" (1984), "Contact" (1997), and many more. Several display panels around the room share just a few of the inside stories of how the artists behind the sounds created them.

The presentation will run continuously throughout the convention, starting every 20-minutes from the top of each hour. Please feel free to walk through the exhibit - or have a seat and enjoy the entire listening experience.

There will also be information available about the Museum, special guests, and more. Please join us!
SAT 10:00 am - 8:00 pm, Los Angeles 3

5784. Karl B Lembke Memorial Blood Drive
We are having our traditional blood drive on Saturday. They always have tasty treats and often giveaways for donors (and balloons, don't forget the balloons!)

Karl was a renowned blood donor in Los Angeles and will be remembered by everyone involved with blood donations here.
Dennis Cherry, Kristine Cherry
SAT 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Marquis 1-2

5775. Table Top Gaming

Hours 10AM - Midnight
10 AM
12 Noon
Ticket to Ride San Francisco
Terraforming Mars
Power Grid
6 PM
Players Choice

SAT 10:00 am - 11:55 pm, Marquis 4

5772. Electronic Gaming
SAT 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Marquis 5

5779. What's at the bottom of a black hole?
So what is down there, anyway? If you fall in, assuming you could survive being spaghettified, would time stretch out infinitely before you? Or is there a way through and out? Our panelists have some ideas that they want to share with you. Moderated by Arlene Busby.
Arlene Busby, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Gregory Benford,
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, Pacific Coast 2

5777. We Know the Future: Data Collection and Human Behavior
From "Don't Be Evil" (Ha!) to "Minority Report," from Palantir to the Eye of Sauron, from Princess Ozma's Magic Picture to the Telescreens of 1984, science fiction and fantasy (and real life) have always had devices and methods for learning stuff about people. We will examine these methods, and discuss their advantages and drawbacks. Moderated by Victor Frost.
Alfred Nash, Ashish Mahabal, Victor Frost, Tad Daley
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, Pacific Coast 3

5778. Stories from Production
Anecdotes from your favorite Big Screen Blockbusters. Moderated by Craig Miller.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Craig Miller, Arthur Sellers, Karen Willson, David Ian Salter
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, Pacific Coast 4

5776. The Sound and Music of Star Wars
The Force is strong in the iconic soundtracks and sound design of Star Wars! Spanning a galaxy of characters and ideas, it's still evolving. See ultra rare video of the first recording sessions and players, get inside the technical brilliance of John Williams and the London Symphony. See video of Ben Burtt creating innovative sounds and interview with Ludwig G?ransson (The Mandalorian). Always a crowd pleaser with special guests TBA soon! . Moderated by David Raiklen.
David Raiklen, Steve Lee, Adrianne Grady
SAT 10:00 am - 11:15 am, Pacific Coast 5

5790. Writing for Television
Stories from the Writers' Room. Moderated by Craig Miller.
Craig Miller, Deborah Daughetee, Karen Willson, Lynn Barker, Matt Conant
SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, California 1

5791. Tales of the Ravensdaughter
Moderated by Gene Turnbow.
Susan Fox, Gene Turnbow, Erin Rado
SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, California 3

5792. Autograph Session 1
Charles Lee Jackson II, Glen W. Olson, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers
SAT 11:30 am - 12:00 pm, Imperial A-B

5789. Best Advice from People in Entertainment
Hollywood is not what you know, but who. How to build and maintain relationships so that you get hired for the job. Moderated by Victor Frost.
Robert Broski, Stewart Strauss, Christian Calloway, Michael Wormser, Victor Frost
SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

5787. Star Trek: Then and Now
How has Star Trek evolved throughout time? Moderated by Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha.
Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, Genny Dazzo, S. P. Hendrick, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, Tad Daley
SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5788. Launching the Space Program
From Apollo to the Space Shuttle and Beyond. Where are we going with BIG Government space? Should the Government get out of the way and leave everything to Elon Musk, etc. Or do we need more leadership and inspiration with China looming over us? Moderated by Timothy G Cassidy-Curtis.
Chris Butler, G. David Nordley, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis
SAT 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5786. Seeing Beyond: The Imagery of NASA's Space Telescopes
What is the process to get those spectacular space images that are captured by NASA's fleet of telescopes to your desktop, tablet, and phone? Join us for a conversation with Dr. Robert Hurt, one of NASA's key space visualization specialists, who will explain the process and show images from the Webb, Spitzer, Hubble and other space telescopes! Moderated by Varoujan Gorjian.
Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Dr. Robert Hurt
SAT 11:30 am - 12:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5785. Building your own R2-D2 and other droids
The R2 Builders Club is world-wide with many Builders taking their completed droids to children's hospitals, charity events, local libraries and similar fund raisers where R2's presence can raise awareness and put a smile on faces. Some Builders simply build their R2 just to have in their living room as a media station. Either way, welcome to the club! The Builders are here at Loscon this weekend to discuss their droids and in this panel will cover the materials and methods, the time and costs involved with building your own, full-size R2-D2 and all of your other favorite Star Wars droids. Moderated by Tom Piedmont.
Tom Piedmont
SAT 11:30 am - 12:15 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5793. Filk: Vocal Warm Ups & Theater Games
Vocal Warm Ups and Theater Games.
SAT 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5794. David Gerrold's Charity Auction
David Gerrold, Michelle Pincus
SAT 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm, Marquis 3

5795. The Great Race (1965)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SAT 12:00 pm - 2:40 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5884. Autograph Session 2
Tanya Huff, Larry Niven
SAT 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm, Imperial A-B

5801. Goal Setting for Writers
How to create goals for yourself and stick to them. Moderated by Matthew Arnold Stern.
Denise Dumars, Wendy Van_Camp, David Avallone, Anne Toole, Matthew Arnold Stern
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 1

5802. Playing God: Writing Fictional Universes
Worldbuilding: how to be the Clockmaker. Moderated by S.P. Hendrick.
Barbara Hambly, Charles Lee Jackson II, Jessica A. Brawner, John DeChancie, S. P. Hendrick
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 2

5800. How to Collaborate Successfully
The do's and don't of collaboration. Moderated by Rebecca Inch-Partridge.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Steven L. Sears, Brandon Perlow, Michael Wormser, Joelle Sellner, Rebecca Inch-Partridge
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 3

5804. Autograph Session 3
L. K. Ingino, Nicholas Doan
SAT 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Imperial A-B

5803. Fairytale Retelling Workshop
Moderated by Brandie June.
Brandie June
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Los Angeles 1

5798. Science Fiction and How it Relates to the World Today
The inevitable march of time: how science fiction sometimes becomes science fact and sometimes misses the mark. Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Bradford Lyau, Glen W. Olson, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, J. L. Doty
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5799. What's new in Science?
What new ideas in science have had the biggest impact on the world today? Moderated by Tim Griffin.
Ashish Mahabal, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Tim Griffin, Gregory Benford
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5797. The Hollywood Sound Museum
Steve Lee gives an update on the progress of creating The Hollywood Sound Museum, an official 501c3 non-profit that is sharing the craft of entertainment audio. Steve and his guests will share some rare recordings from the Museum's collection to demonstrate how sounds were created for classic science-fiction films. Moderated by Steve Lee.
David Raiklen, Steve Lee, Adrianne Grady, Richard Anderson
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5796. Classic Days of Ridiculous Star Wars Rumors
Do you remember picking up the latest issue of Fantastic Films, Starlog, or even Star Warp, Space Wars, and StarBurst to hear the latest Star Wars news/rumors? In the late 70's/early 80's we saw headlines such as "Clone Wars Explained", "Mick Jagger is doing the score for The Empire Strikes Back" "Han Solo crosses lightsabers with Darth Vader." We will go over the most ridiculous rumors, and some that even hit close to home. Join Star Wars Historian Richard Woloski, from Skywalking Through Neverland podcast, plus special guests (we would tell you but that would also be a rumor). Moderated by Richard Woloski.
Richard Woloski, Craig Miller, Kevin Toft, Max Cervantes, Sarah Woloski, David Skale
SAT 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5885. Autograph Session 4
Elizabeth Crowens, James C. Glass, Jennifer Middleton
SAT 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm, Imperial A-B

5805. Filk: Fortune Cookie Filk Circle
Fortune Cookie Filk Circle.
SAT 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5810. The Twilight Zone: A Wondrous Land of Imagination
Join this discussion on The Twilight Zone! Moderated by Eric J. Guignard.
Eric J. Guignard, Steven Barnes, Lynn Barker, Denise Dumars
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 1

5811. World building: How to Build a Believable World
This panel discussion will focus on the distinctive feature of genre literature: world-building. Wikipedia defines world-building as 'the process of constructing an imaginary world'. Come listen as sci-fi and fantasy creators discuss how they approach this all-important task. Moderated by Charles Lee Jackson, II.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Larry Niven, Todd J. McCaffrey, Larry Rosenthal
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 2

5812. GoH Q&A: Tanya Huff
Tanya Sue Huff is a Canadian fantasy author. Her stories have been published since the late 1980s, including five fantasy series and one science fiction series. One of these, her Blood Books series, featuring detective Vicki Nelson, was adapted for television under the title Blood Ties. Come find out more about our special writer guest of honor at this exclusive interview! Moderated by Nick Smith.
Tanya Huff, Nick Smith
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 3

5814. Autograph Session 5
J. L. Doty, Joelle Sellner, Barbara Hambly
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm, Imperial A-B

5813. Classics of SF Discussion: Robert A. Heinlein, Time for the Stars (1956)
Robert A. Heinlein, Time for the Stars (1956)

The Long Range Foundation starts looking for identical twins - because a very few have proved to be telepathic - and rigorous tests can't find that telepathy takes any time - so it looks promising for messages from starships traveling light-years away. The ships go. There are adventures. Eventually there are consequences - indirect ones - fruitful ones.

Moderator John Hertz will lead discussions of three Classics of Science Fiction panels at Loscon XLVIII, one discussion each. Come to as many as you like. You'll be welcome to join in.

Our operating definition is "A classic is a work that survives its own time. After the currents which might have sustained it have changed, it remains, and is seen to be worthwhile for itself." If you have a better definition, bring it.

Each of the three is famous in a different way. Each may be more interesting now than when first published. Have you read them? Have you re-read them?
John Hertz
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

5806. The Three Woodsman of Twin Peaks Discuss Acting: Principal and Background
Moderated by Kristen Renee Gorlitz.
Robert Broski, Stewart Strauss, Christian Calloway, Kristen Renee Gorlitz
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5807. Getting the Science Right
The importance of accuracy. Moderated by James C. Glass.
Alfred Nash, Arthur Sellers, James C. Glass,
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5808. Creating Your Own Comic
Learn how to make your own comic book. Moderated by Deborah Daughetee.
Dave Kellett, Deborah Daughetee, L. K. Ingino, Nicholas Doan
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5809. From Apollo to the Space Shuttle & beyond
Moderated by Varoujan Gorjian PhD.
Arlene Busby, Chris Butler, G. David Nordley, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, John Paterson
SAT 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5815. The Three Stooges Go Around the World in a Daze (1963)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SAT 3:00 pm - 4:35 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5886. Autograph Session 6
Brandon Perlow, Craig Miller, David Avallone, Brandie June
SAT 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm, Imperial A-B

5822. Villains: How to Write Immoral Characters
How do you write a truly evil character? Find out in this panel! Moderated by Victor Frost.
Barbara Hambly, J. L. Doty, John DeChancie, Victor Frost
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 1

5816. How to Succeed at Kickstarter
Our panelists will talk about marketing and selling your products on Kickstarter! Moderated by David Avallone.
David Avallone, Charlie Stickney
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 2

5823. GoH Q&A: Alexander James Adams
Alexander James Adams is an American singer, musician and songwriter in the Celtic and World music genres. He blends mythical, fantasy, and traditional themes in performances, switching between instrumental fiddle and songs accompanied by guitar, bodhr?n, and fiddle playing. He has also been an artist in the field of filk music and won multiple Pegasus awards. Come learn more about him in this exclusive interview! Moderated by Susan Fox.
Alexander James Adams, Susan Fox
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 3

5825. Autograph Session 7
Eric J. Guignard, Christian Calloway, Robert Broski, Stewart Strauss
SAT 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Imperial A-B

5824. We Have Always Been Here: Women in Fandom
Moderated by Brandie June.
Brandie June, Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, Genny Dazzo, Lee Gold
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Los Angeles 1

5817. Filk: Folk music
Folk music.
SAT 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5818. Multimedia science fiction and fantasy
Everything you ever want to know about mixed media. Moderated by David Raiklen.
Gene Turnbow, Larry Rosenthal, Tom Piedmont, Scott A. Woodard, Anne Toole
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5819. What makes us human?
What defines us? And how is this idea explore in science fiction? Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Ashish Mahabal, Glen W. Olson, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, John Paterson
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5820. How to Pitch Your Project
You've heard about the elevator pitch, now it's time to find out how to perfect it. Moderated by Matt Conant.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Matt Conant, Steven L. Sears, Brandon Perlow
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5821. Women in STEM
This program at Loscon is devoted to the idea of encouraging girls and women to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: STEM. Some would add the Arts to make this STEAM. How must we change as a society to make this happen? Moderated by Tim Griffin.
Jessica A. Brawner, Melora Larson, Rebecca Inch-Partridge, Tim Griffin
SAT 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5887. Autograph Session 8
Todd J. McCaffrey, David Brin, Steven Barnes, Lynn Barker
SAT 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm, Imperial A-B

5826. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SAT 5:00 pm - 7:10 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5831. Finding Your Own Voice in Writing
Writing is difficult, and it is even more difficult to be original. How do you find your own voice and make it entertaining?! Find out how in this panel. Moderated by Matthew Arnold Stern.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Wendy Van_Camp, Steven Barnes, Robert Mitchell Evans, Elizabeth Crowens, Matthew Arnold Stern
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, California 1

5832. Do You Really Need to "Write What You Know"?
Many will tell you to "write what you know", but is this good advice? Moderated by Rebecca Inch-Partridge.
Barbara Hambly, Larry Niven, Tanya Huff, Rebecca Inch-Partridge, L. K. Ingino
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, California 2

5833. GoH Q&A: Dave Kellett
Dave Kellett is the creator and cartoonist of two webcomic titles, Sheldon and Drive, and the co-author of How To Make Webcomics. Find out more about him in this exclusive interview! Moderated by Kristen Renee Gorlitz.
Dave Kellett, Kristen Renee Gorlitz
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, California 3

5834. Got Filk? The Hidden Musical Side of Science Fiction
What exactly is filk? Find out everything you ever wanted to know about this musical side of science fiction. Moderated by Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers.
Alexander James Adams, Gene Turnbow, Lee Gold, Susan Fox, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

5827. The Movies that Made Us
These panelists have made their careers in movies and TV. Find out how they started out, what movies inspired them, and how they helped created properties that inspire us all! Moderated by Bradford Lyau.
Bradford Lyau, Robert Broski, Stewart Strauss, Christian Calloway
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5828. James Webb Telescope
What it is and what it can do? Could it make any game-changing discoveries? Can we extend its life, like the Hubble scope's life might be extended? What's the next step? Moderated by G. David Nordley.
Alfred Nash, Chris Butler, G. David Nordley, Melora Larson, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5829. Stories from the Entertainment Business
Get the inside scoop on the Entertainment business! Moderated by Deborah Daughetee.
Arthur Sellers, Deborah Daughetee, Steven L. Sears, Scott A. Woodard, Joelle Sellner
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5830. 1980s Czech SF: Bradbury's Shadow
From mimeographed fanzines to bestselling books. Development of Czech science fiction from communist underground to bestselling genre. Moderated by Jaroslav Olsa, Jr.
Jaroslav Olša_Jr., Ivan Adamovič
SAT 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5835. Filk: Poker Chip filk
Poker Chip filk.
SAT 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5836. Around the World / Under the Sea (1966)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SAT 7:30 pm - 9:15 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5840. The Basics of Comic Book Writing
How do you know when your story is ready to turn into a comic book? Find out in this panel! Moderated by Deborah Daughetee.
Deborah Daughetee, L. K. Ingino, Nicholas Doan, David Avallone
SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, California 1

5841. How To Make Art that Means Something
How do you get your deeper message across in your art? It's not easy but these panelists will talk about their experience in creating meaningful art. Moderated by David Raiklen.
Brandie June, David Raiklen, Melora Larson
SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, California 2

5842. The History and Culture of Beer
Learn the Different Styles and Types of Beers, its place in history, and become an expert taster. Moderated by Mark Poliner.
Mark Poliner
SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, Los Angeles 1

5837. Filk: Concert Tim Griffin
Concert Tim Griffin.
Tim Griffin
SAT 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5838. DJ and Dance
Shawn Crosby
SAT 8:00 pm - 1:00 am, Marquis 3

5839. When is Hard Sci-Fi too Hard?
When does the science get in the way of the story? Find out in this panel! Moderated by James C. Glass.
Daryl George Frazetti, J. L. Doty, James C. Glass, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis
SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5890. Memorial for Greg Bear
Michelle Pincus, Gregory Benford, David Brin, David Gerrold
SAT 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5843. 17th Floor Parties
We have parties all night on the 17th floor! Please, join us!
SAT 9:00 pm - 8:00 am, 17th Floor

5844. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SAT 9:15 pm - 11:00 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5845. Filk: Dr. Horrible Sing-along Blog Sing-along
Dr. Horrible Sing-along Blog Sing-along.
SAT 11:55 pm - 2:00 am, Pacific Coast 1

5846. 4 Short Cartoons
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SUN 9:30 am - 10:00 am, Pacific Coast 1

5850. The Importance of Diversity in Writing
What is the importance of diversity in writing? Find out in this panel! Moderated by Victor Frost.
L. K. Ingino, Joelle Sellner, Steven Barnes, Victor Frost
SUN 10:00 am - 11:15 am, California 2

5848. Hollywood Sound Museum Exhibit
The Hollywood Sound Museum is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to sharing and preserving the history of entertainment audio. We present a unique auditory adventure - a multi-channel sound presentation featuring classic motion picture sound effects from well-known films and television shows. You will hear iconic sounds from "King Kong" (1933), "War of the Worlds" (1953), "Forbidden Planet" (1956), "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) "Star Wars" (1977), "Gremlins" (1984), "Contact" (1997), and many more. Several display panels around the room share just a few of the inside stories of how the artists behind the sounds created them.

The presentation will run continuously throughout the convention, starting every 20-minutes from the top of each hour. Please feel free to walk through the exhibit - or have a seat and enjoy the entire listening experience.

There will also be information available about the Museum, special guests, and more. Please join us!
SUN 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Los Angeles 3

5849. Table Top Gaming

Hours 10 AM -5 PM
10 AM
Ticket to Ride Rails N Sails
12 Noon
Terraforming Mars
Power Grid
4 PM
Players Choice

SUN 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Marquis 4

5847. Electronic Gaming
SUN 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Marquis 5

5851. Johnny Quest (1964)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SUN 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5852. Welcome quilt for the new JPL director (stories behind the squares and the quilt)
Hear the stories behind the squares on JPL's quilt!
Melora Larson
SUN 10:00 am - 11:15 am, Pacific Coast 3

5888. Art Auction
SUN 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Marquis 3

5855. Building Empathy Through Storytelling
Learn how to build empathy and connect with your audience. Moderated by Barbra Dillon.
Barbra Dillon, Deborah Daughetee, Glen W. Olson, Joelle Sellner, David Avallone
SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, California 1

5856. How to Write for a Specific Genre
Why do we love genre stories? And how do we keep them fresh? Moderated by Robert Mitchell Evans.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Nicholas Doan, Rebecca Inch-Partridge, Robert Mitchell Evans, Todd J. McCaffrey
SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, California 2

5853. Introduction to Shibori Dyeing Techniques
Shibori dyeing techniques include stitch resist, binding, clamping (Itajime), and pole wrapping (Arashi), The first recorded techniques were recorded as early as the year 600, with numerous techniques created in the 1800s. The name is Japanese, but the techniques are not limited to Japan. Countries in South America and Africa have similar traditions but use different materials. As part of the overview, garments using some of these techniques will be available for close inspection.
Carole Parker
SUN 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Los Angeles 1

5857. 19th Century Science Fiction
From Poe and Shelly through Verne, Swift, and Hale to early Wells and Burroughs, where did it take us? Have we dismissed some of this too casually without careful thought? Is there any trope of the 20th century that was not started in the 19th or earlier? Moderated by Bradford Lyau.
Bradford Lyau, G. David Nordley, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Wendy Van_Camp
SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5854. The Three Flaws of Robotics: Artificial vs. Organic Intelligence
A look at the rise of specific and general AIs and the ethical implications. Moderated by J. L. Doty.
David Brin, Larry Niven, Ashish Mahabal, J. L. Doty, Gregory Benford
SUN 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5858. Filk: Vocal Warm Ups & Theater Games
Vocal Warm Ups and Theater Games.
SUN 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5859. Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SUN 12:00 pm - 2:10 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5862. Stories and Stage: How to make them work together
Moderated by Tim Griffin.
Alexander James Adams, Tim Griffin
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 1

5863. How to Find and Keep Track of the Publishing Markets
The world of publishing always seems complicated, and the current landscape really is tough to keep track of, but this panel can help you understand it better. Moderated by Kristen Renee Gorlitz.
Eric J. Guignard, James C. Glass, Kristen Renee Gorlitz
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, California 2

5860. Filk: Instafilk performances & Contest results
Instafilk performances and contest results.
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5865. Star Wars: An Enduring Force
Star Wars is still one of the most popular stories in entertainment today. Find out why it has been such an enduring force. Moderated by Genny Dazzo.
Chris Butler, Craig Miller, Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, Genny Dazzo, Tom Piedmont, S. P. Hendrick
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5864. Futurus Rex' with author Lynn Barker
GoH's Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow interview Lynn Barker on her collaboration with the late D.C. Fontana. Moderated by Gene Turnbow.
Gene Turnbow, Susan Fox, Lynn Barker
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5861. SF Films by Quarters: 1922, 1647, 1972, 1997, and 2022
Comparing and contrasting the films of 1922,1947,1972,1997, and today. Moderated by Charles Lee Jackson, II.
Charles Lee Jackson II, Tom Khamis, Larry Rosenthal
SUN 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5866. From the Earth to the Moon (1958)
Hosted by Tom Safer.
Tom Safer
SUN 2:10 pm - 4:00 pm, Pacific Coast 1

5871. What the Publishing Landscape Looks like Today
Get the answers to all your questions on the publishing market. Moderated by Robert Mitchell Evans.
J. L. Doty, Matt Conant, Robert Mitchell Evans, Mike Robinson
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 1

5872. What to Expect from a Creative Career
What can you really expect from a creative career? The answer may surprise you. Moderated by Chris Weber.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Chris Weber, Deborah Daughetee, Lynn Barker, Steven Barnes, Tanya Huff
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, California 2

5873. Listening to the Reactions of Your Readers
People perceive things differently. What is an artist's moral responsibility? Do we need to care about how our art will be perceived? How do we reach people with different points of view? How do we resolve conflicts when views clash? In this panel, we will discuss listening and interacting with your audiences. Moderated by Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha.
Barbra Dillon, Craig Miller, Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, Victor Frost, Tim Griffin
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Los Angeles 1

5868. Filk: GOH Gene Turnbow's instrumental Jam
GOH Gene Turnbow's Instrumental Jam.
Gene Turnbow
SUN 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Los Angeles 4

5874. Grokking Heinlein
What were the constants of Heinlein's writing? Where did he challenge things that even he might have believed in, because he thought everything needed to be challenged? A free mind is seldom politically correct. And if one doesn't want characters to be stereotypical shouldn't we allow a writer characters who are idiosyncratic and not a typical woman, boy, black, Phlilpino, or Martian? Moderated by Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers.
Bradford Lyau, G. David Nordley, Glen W. Olson, Wendy Van_Camp, Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5867. Are we alone in the universe?
The question of whether or not life exists elsewhere in the universe is one that has fascinated people for decades. Find out more in this panel. Moderated by Arlene Busby.
Arlene Busby, Chris Butler, David Brin, Varoujan Gorjian_PhD, Ashish Mahabal
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5869. Comics Today
Comics are more visible as a part of popular culture than they've been in decades, and yet traditional comics have plummeted in sales, while quirky and independent comics are dominating sales charts. Come and find out what it takes to get from an idea to a store shelf. Moderated by Bryant Dillon.
Nicholas Doan, David Avallone, Brandon Perlow, Bryant Dillon
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5870. Classics of SF Discussion: C.L. Moore, Doomsday Morning (1957)
C.L. Moore, Doomsday Morning (1957)

Where others rant, this author lights a lantern: looking, as a Star Trek fan sang, at both sides now. Or more. Moore shows her fictional society, its fictional technology, through the human element; always the human element. And we learn why the actor-director protagonist is told he has to put on his play without changing the script even a little.

Moderator John Hertz will lead discussions of three Classics of Science Fiction panels at Loscon XLVIII, one discussion each. Come to as many as you like. You'll be welcome to join in.

Our operating definition is "A classic is a work that survives its own time. After the currents which might have sustained it have changed, it remains, and is seen to be worthwhile for itself." If you have a better definition, bring it.

Each of the three is famous in a different way. Each may be more interesting now than when first published. Have you read them? Have you re-read them?
John Hertz
SUN 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5879. I Wrote the Book, Now What?
You wrote the book, now begins the hard part. Find out all about publishing, marketing and more. Moderated by J. L. Doty.
Brian Fitzpatrick, J. L. Doty, Matt Conant, Todd J. McCaffrey, Mike Robinson
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 1

5880. How to succeed at NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it takes place in November. Find out how to write the first draft of a novel in only one month! Moderated by Eric J. Guignard.
Rebecca Inch-Partridge, Eric J. Guignard
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, California 2

5881. The Art of Poetry
Poetry is one of our most concise and deepest forms of communication. Find out all about the art of poetry at this panel! Moderated by Denise Dumars.
Denise Dumars, S. P. Hendrick, Wendy Van_Camp, L. K. Ingino, Jean-Paul L. Garnier
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Los Angeles 1

5876. Filk: Final Filk Circle
Final Filk Circle.
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Los Angeles 4

5882. Time Travel: Should We?
Will time travel create irreconcilable paradoxes? Moderated by Glen W. Olson.
Chris Weber, Glen W. Olson, John DeChancie, Gregory Benford
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 2

5877. The History of JPL: From Science Fiction to Science Fact
What did science fiction have to do with the start of JPL? Come and see as we'll trace the history of NASA/Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory from the time it was started by amateur and academic rocket enthusiasts (and one very notable occultist) to becoming a research center for the US Army's missile development program, to helping launch the United States' first satellite and becoming NASA's key center for robotic exploration of the solar system and beyond, all while never having done any jet propulsion research!
Varoujan Gorjian_PhD
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 3

5875. The Eric Hoffman Memorial
Eric Hoffman has been a member of LASFS for well over half a century. As a teenager he wrote for the original monster movie magazine: FAMOUS MONSTER OF FILMLAND. First, he wrote under the pseudonyms THE ANSWER MAN and later, PROFESSOR GRUEBEARD. In early 1982, Eric started travelling all across the country giving lectures at DOCTOR WHO and various other conventions along with singing and playing piano with celebrities at convention cabarets. Please join us in reminiscing and telling fun stories of the kind man who was Eric Hoffman.
Tom Khamis, Charles Lee Jackson II, Rick Ridgeway, Craig Miller, Beverly Warren
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 4

5878. How Close are we to Warp Drive?
What is a "warp drive?" Does it even make sense, given Lorentz invariance? How much mass energy would it take to make some of these concepts and where would it come from? Moderated by Arlene Busby.
G. David Nordley, Timothy G. Cassidy-Curtis, Arlene Busby,
SUN 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm, Pacific Coast 5

5883. Closing Ceremonies
Moderated by Nick Smith.
Nick Smith, Michelle Pincus, Dave Kellett, Tanya Huff, Alexander James Adams, Susan Fox, Gene Turnbow
SUN 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Marquis 3